Seni 31. Sebutkanlah beberapa hal yang tidak diperbolehkan waktu duduk dirumah gadang! johannamannulv – June 09, 2023
Fisika 4. Mobil A bermassa 600 kg berkecepatan 72 km/jam saling bertabrakan dengan Mobil B yang juga bermassa 500 kg berkecepatan 54 km/jam! Jika tabrakan ini dianggap tumbukan leting sempurna maka berapa besar kecepatan mobil A dan mobil B setelah tumbukan ? johannamannulv – June 09, 2023
PPKn 16. Perhimpunan Indonesia (PI) mengeluarkan pokok perjuangan PI, yang dikenal dengan Manifesto politik PI pada tahun 1925 yang menjadi alasan diadakannya ... di Jakarta* A. Volksraad B. Kongres Pemuda I C. Kongres Pemuda II D. Konferensi Meja Bundar johannamannulv – June 09, 2023
B. inggris Hallo Kak/Bang,Tolong bantu dong tugas ini,Saya masih bingung dalam mengerjakan nya,Tolong dibantu ya Kak/Bang ;) johannamannulv – June 08, 2023
Biologi apa yang dimaksud dengan pekembangbiakan vegetatif pada tumbuhan tolong jawab dengan benar jan cuma pen poin aja awas ada mata² johannamannulv – June 08, 2023
B. inggris • Orientation/Opening Amelia Earhart's plane vanished somewhere over the Pacific in July 1937. More than eight decades later, the quest to find her remains an obsession. • A Series of Events In 1937, Amelia Earhart set out to become the first woman to fly around the world, a grueling 29,000-mile eastbound journey that roughly followed the Equator. A failed attempt in March damaged her plane, but after repairs, she and her navigator, Fred Noonan, departed from Oakland, California, on May 21. After 22,000 miles, 40 days, and more than 20 stops, they arrived in Lae, on the eastern coast of Papua New Guinea. On the morning of July 2, Earhart and Noonan began what was expected to be the hardest leg of their trip: to Howland Island, a 1.5-mile-long coral atoll in the central Pacific Ocean. More than 2,500 miles of ocean stretched between Lae and the remote spit of land that was their next stop to refuel. After hours of flight, during their final approach to Howland, Earhart radioed the Itasca, a United States Coast Guard cutter anchored off Howland's coast. Nearing the tiny Pacific atoll, she contacted the Itasca to ask it to guide her onto land with radio signals. "KHAQQ (the Lockheed Electra 10E's call sign) calling Itasca: We must be on you but cannot see you gas is running low... been unable to reach you by radio ...we are flying at 1,000 feet." The ship was receiving her transmissions-at one point the signal was so strong that the ship's radio operator ran to the deck to search the skies for Ear-hart's plane-but the signals the ship returned did not reach Earhart and Noonan. who were flying unguided above the clouds. Earhart's last confirmed message indicated that she was flying on a northwest-to-southeast navigational line that bisected the island, but she did not indicate in which direction she was heading. After that communication at 8:43 AM, the radio contact was lost, and no one knows what happened next. The Electra never made it to Howland Island, and a massive search failed to find any sign of the missing aviator and her plane. Two weeks later, the United States declared Amelia Earhart and Fred Noonan lost at sea. • Reorientation The US government's official position is that the Electra, unable to establish radio contact with the Itasca, ran out of fuel and crashed into the ocean. Amanda: Do you know the first woman who set to fly around the world? Dimas: ______________________________ Amanda: Where and when did she start her journey? Dimas: ______________________________ Amanda: O.K. What do you know about her flight? I mean, any records about her flight. Dimas: ______________________________ Amanda: Goodness! Where was her last stop recorded Dimas: ______________________________ Amanda: Did she continue her flight? Dimas: ______________________________ Nearing the tiny Pacific atoll, she then radioed the Itasca to guide her onto land with rasio signals. Amanda: What's Itasca? Dimas: ______________________________ Amanda: I see. Then, what happened next? Dimas: ______________________________ It could be said the they were flying unguided above the clouds. Amanda: What did she say on the transmission? Dimas: She said ______________________________ Amanda: What is the name of her aircraft? Dimas: ______________________________ Amanda: I hope mystery will be solved soon. Dimas: I hope so. johannamannulv – June 08, 2023
B. Indonesia quizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz sebutkan proses pembuatan boneka johannamannulv – June 08, 2023
PPKn dibawah ini ancaman terhadap kehidupan bangsa dan negara yg berasal dari luar a perdagangan narkoba b penangkapan ikan secara illegal c agresi militer d gerakan separatis di daerah johannamannulv – June 07, 2023
Matematika Bantu jawab kakakTentukan titik koordinat pada gambar dibawah ini beserta langkah penyelesaiannya johannamannulv – June 07, 2023
Matematika Diketahui lingkaran L = x²+y²+2x-4y-8 = 0. Tunjukkan bahwa garis-garis berikut menyinggung lingkaran. Kemudian tentukan koordinat titik-titik singgungnya! g=3x+2y-14=0 johannamannulv – June 07, 2023
B. inggris tolong bantuin dong plisee entar yang bantuin ku kasih komentar terbaik tolong yah pliseee johannamannulv – June 07, 2023
Matematika 22² + 15² × 3² =...4!! + 2! × 12 =...nt ; sahur..sahurrr bangun oi sahur :v johannamannulv – June 06, 2023
Sejarah 1. Sebutkan latarbelakang masuknya sekutu ke indonesia.? 2. Sebutkan dua ciri perjuangan bangsa indonesia untuk melawan penjajah.? 3. Apa itu integrasi bangsa.? 4. Sebutkan latarbelakang terjadinya perang di surabaya.? 5. Pada tahun berapa agresi militer Belanda terjadi.? 6. Untuk mengawasi gencatan senjata, PBB membentuk komisi tiga negara (KTN)anggota KTN ada tiga negara yaitu.? 7. Jelaskan dampak perang dunia terhadap integrasi nasional bangsa indonesia. 8. Mengapa pemerintah membubarkan konstituante pada tahun 1959? 9. Pada masa awal kemerdekaan pernah terjadi perubahan sitem pemerintahan dari sistem predensial ke sitem parlementer. Apakah yang menjadi latar belakang perubahan tersebut. ? 10. Apakah yang dimaksud dengan demokrasi terpimpin.? johannamannulv – June 06, 2023
B. Indonesia d. kepaid "Para penjahat selalu mencari kelengahan kita". Sinonim dari kata yang bercetak miring adalah .... johannamannulv – June 06, 2023
Matematika shaiful gave out 250 copies of newspapers on monday. he gave out 92 fewer copies of newspapers on tuesday than on monday. how many copies of newspapers did shaiful give out altogether? johannamannulv – June 06, 2023